Gratitude Through the Lens of the Pandemic

November 21, 2022
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About this episode

Every year, right around this time, inboxes, blogs and day-time television are filled with discussions about gratitude. Google “why is gratitude good?” and you’ll get millions of results. While we’re happy to jump on the bandwagon, this time we’re doing it with a twist. We asked several of our friends (and one new friend!), what they’re grateful for with regards to the pandemic. While everyone agreed COVID has been a universally horrible situation, we got some truly beautiful instances of gratitude that we’re excited to share. To round things out, Sherry and Anne also model how to express gratitude, to each other, live and unrehearsed. Special thanks to our Guests: Lori Martin Brandon Blanchard Joseph Asaro Carmen Palo Rebecca Kilday Robin Berning Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!