Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride with Danny Rosin

November 8, 2023
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As a youngster, Danny Rosin received the dubious distinction of having the most demerits in the history of his school. Some might think that would have led to a somewhat bumpy life, but instead it laid the groundwork for Danny’s lifelong commitment to giving back to community.  Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride is not only a drink at one of Danny’s favorite local bars, but it also describes his philosophy in life.  Whether diving into a mosh pit or out of an airplane, Danny is the type of person who lives life to the fullest.  This does not mean it has all been smooth sailing for him; listen in as Danny describes his perfectly imperfect journey and how sometimes a little mischief can lead to a lot of happiness. Bio: Danny Rosin is co-owner of Brand Fuel , a branded merchandising agency that is a certified B Corp. He is also the co-founder of Band Together , a nonprofit that has donated $12 million to the nonprofit community through live music experiences. He serves on the board of A Place at The Table , a “pay what you can” café and is advisor to Gabi’s Pals , a nonprofit that empowers people with special abilities through fulfillment programming. He is also the proud co-founder of social impact orgs like PromoKitchen, PromoCares, Reciprocity Road and Operation Smile International’s Student Programs. Rosin is a tireless community builder who likes to start organizations that do work that matters. He is married with two teenage daughters and has come to grips with the idea that well-behaved women rarely make history.