Speaking to What Matters with Katherine Kennedy

January 17, 2024
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We all have a story. But often our stories live just in our minds or hearts, never making it out into the world. Sometimes we hold back because we don’t believe we have anything interesting or important to say, and other times it’s because we simply don’t know how to put it into words.  Katherine Kennedy spent much of her early career helping others tell their story but kept her own truth bottled up inside.  She helped launch young people into academic success and she coached professionals to unearth their authentic truths. But for years she held back from having the difficult conversations in her own life to help make sense of her own story until that finally became untenable. Listen in to hear Katherine’s Perfectly Imperfect journey and her advice on how to access your own story. Bio Katherine Kennedy has almost 30 years of experience helping people tell their stories. After two decades of building Summer Search into a national nonprofit and mentoring hundreds of youth, she launched her own coaching business in 2015 focused on helping people speak with more authenticity and confidence. She has coached clients on TED talks, toasts, presentations, interviews and the soul-affirming exploration of telling your story. She has a gift for helping you communicate in a way that lands right in the audience’s heart. This is what she does for others and this is what she did with her book Speaking to What Matters: My story of learning how to share what’s inside. Katherine is a mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend. She is grateful to have found her purpose but knows that it is her relationships with the people in her life that make life meaningful and worthwhile. To her, this is what matters most. https://katherinekennedysf.com/